In the industry and during education it can often be hard to find the time to self-reflect and aim my projects in a direction that is accurate regarding self-improvement and artistic growth. This is often due to been immersed in the creative process and creating engaging content for personal interest and that of a client. There is a time though where a line must be drawn, and an artist must be self-critical and decisive, this is where ‘S.M.A.R.T’ targets come in! ‘S.M.A.R.T’ Is an acronym that stands for ‘Small’, ‘Measurable’, ‘And’, ‘Realistic’, ‘Targets’. This translates into a weekly review of my current projects and goals for the purposes of artistic growth through accurate and appropriate target setting regarding my current goals and skillset into a concise action plan.
Context of the previous week
Last week I set myself three targets which I intended to achieve to successfully further the development of my three currently studied modules: “Work Based Learning”, “Commercial Animation & Illustration Production”, and “Personal Professional Development”. I achieved the first target completely and the second two only partially during the development of the entire of last week. I successfully collected all of my files for review within a tutor and peer assessment of my current portfolio which occurred on Wednesday the 3rd of April. This has enabled the clear direction of how I should move forward regarding my portfolio and desired industry skillset.
As the week progressed, I spent sessions drawing out my thumbnails and designs visually exploring against my mood boards the concepts and ideas I had defined within my proposal and treatment document. These drawings where then recorded within my making off guided sketchbook which will demonstrate the journey my project has undergone. Although a significant amount of drawn iterations had been explored, I feel that I have not yet formed a draft which I will be confident in using for my final style frames.
Finally, during the end of the work week myself and a colleague visited a local exhibition to form the basis of a blog post for my Personal Professional Development module which we documented and collected a series of information and photographs about the event. This was intended to become a blog post which has not been completed by the weeks end. This is something that will need to be addressed moving forward into the following current week.
What’s Happening this week?
The following 2 weeks are a break over the Easter holidays where the university is closed to students to enable tutors a chance to catch up on marking and deal with internal affairs. What this means for my productions is that I will be working from home until the 23rd of April utilizing self-directed means rather than being guided by a tutor. My next class session will resume after the holidays on Tuesday the 23rd where a group critique will occur to analyse the work that has been completed over the break period.
Within the time plan that is enclosed in my Work Based Learning modules proposal and treatment document, I have outlined that I should be expected to be dedicating my time to the creation of a refined storyboard the rough linework for my productions style frame and colour script. This will be addressed in this week's targets to ensure that the production moves smoothly in an actionable manor.
What I need to reflect on
Due to the short comings of last week's targets, my development has been somewhat stunted until I can address the set-backs of the two targets I did not finalise. The early aspect of this week should be spent addressing these set-backs and enabling my production to get back on track through swift workflow of completing aspects of each modules production.
The mid to end part of this week's schedule is intended to be spent addressing the bulk of my remaining three modules studying my foundation degree. As addressed above these three modules are my “Work Based Learning” module, my “Commercial Animation & Illustration Production” module, and my “Personal Professional Development” module. I will be setting three targets this week, one to address each module that I am currently taking part in. The following are my targets for the week regarding my project's development:
Target 1 - Utilize my drawn development in the creation of 3 finalized style-frame linework's. Stated above within the scripted explanation for my “what happened last week” and “what's happening this week” sections, my "Work Based Learning" modules timetable intends for me to be at the stage of development where I am starting to construct my finalized style frames for my projects design outcome. Due to this intended soft deadline, I am required to produce my finalized drawn linework's for a minimum of 3-6 intended style-frames as well as proposed colour scripts for my production. This step in my production is required to be completed in order for the following stages of my production to be possible. I measure the success of this target by successfully having the drawn linework's for a minimum of 3 style frames along with a proposed colour-script within my "making off" sketchbook by Monday the 22nd. Achievement of this target will ensure that I am on track for my modules production.
Target 2 - Finish and post the 2 research blogposts onto my blog from last week, as well as an additional 3rd covering a minimum of 3 artists that appeal to me.
Target 2 - Finish and post the 2 research blogposts onto my blog from last week, as well as an additional 3rd covering a minimum of 3 artists that appeal to me.
Knowledge is an integral aspect of an industry standard creative’s success and maintaining exploration into the current, past, and future trends and talents is important for my refined development as an aspiring industry creative. Last week I did not meet my intended target of exploring trends within illustration from the 2018 and 2019 period which is something I need to address to ensure the maximum potential regarding impact of my growing creative practice. Another intention that I had projected to myself several weeks back was the steady exploration of artists and studios within the industry that have peaked my interest. I intended to explore these artists in scripted format on my blog and this week I intend to put that into action through the scripting of a minimum of three artists that I find are relevant to my interests and practice. I will consider this target a success should I successfully post 3 posts onto my blog, covering the above mentioned topics, by Monday the 22nd of April. This will ensure that I am forming my productions with appropriate sources of insight and influence moving forward.
Target 3 - Script a SWOT analysis of my current demonstrated skillset using my portfolio as a point of reference.
Mentioned above in my previous week's reflection, I collected all of the produced design outcomes I had generated over the past 2 years studying this foundation degree together in order to judge and identify what demonstrated ability's I have and what abilities I should demonstrate further to ensure success upon graduation. Having assembled the basis of my portfolio last week It is important that I take a comprehensive analysis of what my portfolio is communicating regarding my skillset. This will come in the form of a SWOT analysis due to the benefits of defining clear strengths and weaknesses and setting specific actionable targets to ensure the healthy growth of my portfolio. Therefore I will deem this target as a success should I script a detailed SWOT analysis of my portfolio by Monday the 22nd of April. This will allow me a solid point of reference for me to build off from when striding to refine my demonstrated skillset.
Target 3 - Script a SWOT analysis of my current demonstrated skillset using my portfolio as a point of reference.
Mentioned above in my previous week's reflection, I collected all of the produced design outcomes I had generated over the past 2 years studying this foundation degree together in order to judge and identify what demonstrated ability's I have and what abilities I should demonstrate further to ensure success upon graduation. Having assembled the basis of my portfolio last week It is important that I take a comprehensive analysis of what my portfolio is communicating regarding my skillset. This will come in the form of a SWOT analysis due to the benefits of defining clear strengths and weaknesses and setting specific actionable targets to ensure the healthy growth of my portfolio. Therefore I will deem this target as a success should I script a detailed SWOT analysis of my portfolio by Monday the 22nd of April. This will allow me a solid point of reference for me to build off from when striding to refine my demonstrated skillset.
Last week saw the further exploration of my drawn iterations for my “Work Based Learning” module, as well as the scripted exploration of relevant topics yet to be posted on my blog. I also collected the entire current completed works of design outcomes which are forming the basis of my portfolio. This week in reflection to the last, I will be continuing to refine and development my productions to ensure that I finalise my foundation degree with a strong foundational skillset that will continue to inform my practice for many years to come. I will be achieving the growth and development of my skillset and projects by achieving the three targets I have set by next week on Monday the 22nd of April. If I should complete all of my three targets then I will consider this week a success.
Thank you for reading.
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