In the industry and during education it
can often be hard to find the time to self-reflect and aim my projects in a
direction that is accurate regarding self-improvement and artistic growth. This
is often due to been immersed in the creative process and creating engaging
content for personal interest and that of a client. There is a time though
where a line must be drawn, and an artist must be self-critical and decisive,
this is where ‘S.M.A.R.T’ targets come in! ‘S.M.A.R.T’ Is an acronym that
stands for ‘Small’, ‘Measurable’, ‘And’, ‘Realistic’, ‘Targets’. This
translates into a weekly review of my current projects and goals for the
purposes of artistic growth through accurate and appropriate target setting
regarding my current goals and skillset into a concise action plan.
Context of last week
Last I planned to
address the targets of critically analysing one of my print batches as well as researching
character walk cycles, photoshop animation, motion graphics, and Maya animation
to support both my Digital Skills Application and Alternative techniques
modules. I did not achieve these targets which is an important thing to address
this week as to why these targets were not achieved and how I can attend to the
obstacles that resulted in this outcome and better plan for next time.
Last week I began my
research character walk cycles which will be posted onto my blog as soon as it
is completed, and for the most part is nearly complete. Alongside this research
I spent time looking into walk cycles that I deem to exert an amount of
brilliance and impact as a result of clever creativity through both animation
techniques and thoughtful character design. I am confident that due to my time
spent identifying these resources for observation that I will be able to take
my research outcome further than I would have previously been able to take it.
Alongside my research
I had the opportunity to take part in one tutor ran workshop and one class organised
one taking my previously etched 5mm acrylic plate and utilising it in a roller
press to create both embossed cards prints and 1 tone relief prints. The
experience of executing and demonstrating my understanding in relief print
creation is an integral part in the success of my alternative techniques module
and I am confident I am making good time and work regarding Its execution.
The above photograph
is a picture highlighting what the “Animators Survival Kit” looks like as well
as an example page of workflow.
What I need to reflect on
My original plan for
the week was to research, reflect, and analyse. This did not come to pass due
to a change in priority I placed on the creation of multiple different relief
prints as well as co-ordinating with my colleagues how to better improve the
results of our novice production utilising the roller-press. I feel this boils
down to a lack of boundaries and a short-term time plan ensuring that I
complete each task in the order I require it to be done. Currently I follow a
list method of approach where I highlight tasks that need to be done in yellow,
completed tasks in green, and tasks I should do next in blue. This has worked
well up to this point but I feel that It may be time to refine this approach to
task execution to include time frames to better achieve time scaling when
dealing with a larger number of tasks.
Above is
an example of last week’s tasks and how I approached them from a planning
spent time studying workflow and approach from the Animators Survival Kit I now
need to try and test the methods outlined so that I can reflect on such a
method and create an analysis. To do this I believe it is best to approach my
line tests for the first scene of my Digital Skills Application module
utilising the methods and approaches which I have read about and were outlined
within the book. I am confident as a result of this research and it’s testing
that the resulting animated test will ensure I can take this project further
than I could have otherwise.
Target 1 – Create a
new approach and method for managing short-term deadlines.
scaling is an issue that all creatives must face. The difference between aspiration
and achievement regarding industry standards is the methods, approaches, and coping
mechanisms that a professional makes use of to tackle such obstacles. I in the
past have combated this issue by dividing a large project into smaller tasks
with short deadlines to micro manage my ability to meet deadlines and utilise
time effectively however my last SMART targets goals were not met, and I feel
it is a result of a lack of boundaries in my management of short-term
deadlines. To solve this issue, I will create a blog post outlining an alternative
method for ensuring short-term deadlines are met successfully. I can measure
the success of this target by achieving an alternative solution that works.
This can be assessed by not missing another targets short-term deadline moving
Target 2 – Execute 3-line
tests utilising the workflow I researched in the Animators Survival Kit.
Tuesday working through until Thursday I will be in timetabled in class where I
will be performing my production processes. I have planned to spend my time
executing line tests for my Digital Skills Application module and as such will
utilise this time to apply this target in practice. I can measure the success
of the target by successfully completing and posting about these line tests
onto this blog where I can review them as well as discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of my newly developed approach.
response to my two outlined targets for this week I will be performing in-class
animation character walk-cycle line tests making sure to apply the approach and
methods that I have read about in the “Animators Survival Kit” Book. Upon completion
of at least 3-line tests I will reflect and record my process outlining the strengths
and weaknesses of my reflective process refining my cycle until I am confident in
its results. On top of this in-class production work I will in my own time be outlining
and developing a new approach to managing short-term deadlines which I will script
and outline on my blog discussing the benefits and solutions of this approach. By
completing each of these tasks, I will achieve my SMART targets.
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