Due to the recent completion of my third unit studying my level 4 Animation & Illustration foundation degree I shall be completing a self-assessed analysis to determine my current skill set regarding this project and how I want to move forward in development. The way in which I shall be analysing my work is using a structure called 'SWOT' Analysis. 'SWOT' is an acronym for the questions:
- Strengths - What are the strengths of my unit, research, Pre-production, time scaling & final result.
- Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of the aforementioned.
- Opportunity's - What are the opportunity's that I have come across during this unit, did I take full advantage of them and what opportunity's am I looking for moving forward
- Targets - What are my targets to consistently improve my creative works and skill set. The aim of these targets is to set the goals to becoming more industry standard.
Animation Production - SWOT Analysis
Last project, I received feedback that my research, development, and final product lacked connection and clear explanation. It was identified to me that I needed to make more links in my project work that enabled the clear understanding of how I came to conclusions as well as defining the stages it took to get to somewhere. In reflection to an action plan that I created last SWOT analysis I am confident that I have made significant progress in demonstrating links and process in my project book. This has enabled me the opportunity to improve the quality of project work by taking the consideration to make links and explore ideas I would have otherwise overlooked.
action plan that I created during my last SWOT analysis was to do what was
capable within my ability and only strive to learn in a reach that is manageable.
I feel during my project that I explored a plethora of experimentation through
drawn responses, digital techniques and innovative study’s that allowed me
project to evolve naturally. I feel the approach I took was far enough that I
have made significant progress in growing as an animator but not too far like
last project that I was out of my comfort zone and unable to make any effective
Due to the
previously defined attempt at linking my research, development and final
project together I feel that my initial research informed the rest of my
process effectively but also stimulated further unconventional research through
style, study responses and breakdowns of content. This enabled my development
to become more refined improving the quality of my animation.
Finally, in contrast to my previous project I am confident that I was able to improve the quality of my work due to the time I spent refining each asset through several iterations. For example, in my Sequential images project I draw a few variations of each asset but did not explore different styles, colours or forms outside the different shape variations. Whereas in this project I explored rigorous amounts of drawn iterations, custom brush pre-sets and by extension textures and digital techniques to create a result that was appropriate and impactful for my project regarding vision and intended direction.
In my previous 2 action plans I identified that timescaling is an area of my production workflow that I needed to spend consideration improving. I am confident that this area of focus has been significantly improved during the development of the last and current project regarding this goal and plan. An issue that I identified within this workflow which I believe could be further worked on is not how I plan this timescaling, but rather that I give longer tasks more time and flexability instead of shorter tasks that don't need the space.
During the production and development of this project I feel that I spent more time focusing on style over content. Meaning that I spent most of my production time planning out the visual development of the shape, form, style, and visual expression that the concept had rather than how that concept would move, interact, and express itself in an interesting and engaging method. I am more than satisifed with the visual development that I created regarding the content of my animation, but I feel that I could have developed more motion, interesting camera work and other elements into my animation to add more depth and engagment to my creative work.
Following on from my previous point, I feel it would have been beneficial to my project if I had spend more time in my research identifying elements of animation and camera that could have raised the quality of my final animation. This research could have been in the form of an animation breakdown. identifiying different elements of others work that I could use as visual stimulation and inspiration for the development of my own
The time I have spent exploring, experimenting, and responding to artists and my own work has provided me with the opportunity to explore new sources of inspiration and visual stimulation from both contemporary animators and those popular in history. This has impacted my animation skill set by enabling me new techniques and insights that I can apply to improve the quality of my creative works.
Specific artists that I have had the opportunity of learning more about are:
This project has also given me the chance to put into practice
software skills ranging from Adobe Photoshop to Maxons Cinema 4d, of which I am
confident in suggesting I have learnt many new things that will accompany me
into future productions. To suggest a few new techniques, I have learnt
include: Analysis studies of custom brushes and textures in Adobe Photoshop, loading
in cut out images in, adjusting and taking advantage of cloner tools, and
animating frame animation within Maxons Cinema 4d.
Although visual development is a topic of design that I have investigated often in my research this project is the first time I have had the chance to explore it first hand with my own experiences. This project has enabled me to gain much insight into the how the experience of visual development works and areas I can improve upon next time consistently improving my mental and physical skillset as an animator.
When working full time in the industry it can often be hard to find the opportunity to explore new direction and experiments with innovative new techniques, materials, and processes. This project has enabled me with such an opportunity by challenging me with this project brief enabling the stimulation of growth as an animator.
In order to consistently grow as an artist, it is imperative that I understand how I can improve in order to allow my skillset to naturally evolve in a productive direction. Reflecting upon my SWOT analysis and my project there are a few key areas which I would like to create an action plan for to balance out my skill set moving forward.
Target 1 - Consider time scaling time length.
Planning my project out is important, but taking full consideration into what stages need more and less time is the difference between an aspiring professional and a real one.
As identified and outlined in my weaknesses section I believe that although I have made great strides in getting my project completed within the given time from start to finish well, I still have area for improvement in refining that process. For example, certain tasks could benefit from longer time spent on the which would improve the overall animation outcome, where other tasks could be cut back whilst not taking away any quality for my design outcomes.
As an action plan to ensure that I act upon this, in my future projects I intend to take the time to write down a timescale event plan at the beginning of my project outlining realistically how long each process has taken in previous projects and in what stages would benefit from extra time and what stages would not falter from less. I am confident by following this plan I will see improvements in the quality of my production due to this upgrade to time scaling.
Target 2 - When creating environments consider how motion can add immersion.
It is important to note as an animator that the principles of animation do not solely apply to characters. The principles can add depth and personality to the immersion of an environment.
Stated previously during the production of my animation I focused upon style over content, this created an animation that had great appeal and conveyed the expression of my intended vision effectively. On the other hand, I didn't take the time to consider how certain animations could have a greater impact into engaging with my audience in an immersive and impactful manor. I agree that it would have been to my benefit to consider how I could have applied animation principles within my cut-out scene to enhance what I had already created.
To put this target into an action plan, when designing the visual development of an asset, environment, or plant life It prove beneficial to also create small storyboards which would work as visual development for content within the overarching animation regarding motion. To put it simply during visual development I will also create short storyboards out lining an assets motions to contribute to the overall development stage.
Having reviewed my 'Animation Production' project and applied my feedback into a clear action plan for me to work on, I am satisfied that I have grown from my time developing and analysing my work in this unit. I hope that everyone reading this has taken on board from my experiences and learnt a little something for themselves. Thank you for reading, till next time.
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