Monday, 4 December 2017

Practice Enrichment//Project Dev - Day 1

The fourth project that I shall be developing whilst studying my animation and illustration foundation degree at Newcastle college is titled 'Practice Enrichment' and will consist of a 4-day workshop covering the topic of drawing from life. This workshop shall begin on Monday the fourth and consist of 3 in-depth life drawing sessions with a mentor covering various topics in capturing the human figure from life.

The purpose of these sessions is to develop skills, techniques, approaches, processes and understanding regarding the practice, execution, and results of drawing from life with various materials. These sessions will cover: Shape and form, visual measuring, line weight and variation, capturing motion, material approaches and lighting (Shading). 

The final and fourth day of this project shall consist of an all-day exam with 1 model pose where I will be provided with the opportunity to demonstrate all that I have learnt and developed throughout the project. The project is being graded by distance travelled meaning that I can do well by learning to any extent. 

The following pictures are the drawings that I developed from Day 1 of my Practice Enrichment workshops:
1/01 - Chalk close up study of an ear

1/02 - Hand cannot leave the page pastel face study

1/03 - Hand cannot leave the page pastel face study

1/05 - Close up chalk hand study

1/08 - Observational pencil full pose study

1/09 - Observational pencil full pose study 

After concluding the results of today’s study’s, I am confident that I have covered and learnt new skills in observation, material approaches, topical content such as the hand doesn't leave the page study and detail in form techniques. This day’s activities have laid the foundation for the rest of this week’s drawn sessions and I am keen to build upon and experiment with more drawn techniques in response to my assigned model.

Thank you for reading

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