Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Pictoplasma CharacterStareDown - Competition challenge

Hey guys just a little heads up about what’s currently happening with me! In May 2018 I shall be visiting the fantastic Pictoplasma festival hosted and based in Berlin, Germany. The festival for those who have not heard is a global celebration of character design from Games, Film, Animation, Story’s, Illustration, Graphics, Imagination, anything!

To commemorate the approach and nearing of the festival, the Pictoplasma organisers have begun a competition titled 'CharacterStareDown' which consists of challenging the community to create an animated Gif of their own character staring down the viewer of the image sequence. The competition winners will be announced in March 2018 and the winner shall receive an all exclusive ticket to the event and live talks. The competition is hosted on the Pictofolio website platform.

Gleefully excited at the opportunity to animate an under developed character of mine, I have created an animated Gif as my own competition entry! I hope you guys like it: 

Url of my competition entry:

Pictoplasma festival website:

Pictofolio Platform about page:

Competition page:

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