This desire to express myself through my art is uncontrollable and a niche that I find great pleasure in is animation backgrounds. I feel that the setting of a scene is so important for the tone and mood that a scene portrays that it is a wealth of potential that has been tapped into, can be tapped into, and should be utilised and played with. If creating a film doesn't come for a while or after the film I want to move onto something else been a background layout artist, background painter or environment visual development artist is a role that I would be head over heels to call my own.
Needless to say, that means I have a plethora of artists who take my interest, invigorate me with inspiration and inspire me consistently whose work I study, enjoy and spend time investigating. In today’s blog post I shall be sharing some of these artists with you to show where I draw my influences from regarding background design and hopefully where some of you can too!
James Gilleard (Fav at the moment)
James is
an art director, illustrator, graphic designer, and animator who has produced
and contributed to an insane amount of artwork across the years he has worked.
In recent years he has forged himself a style that I would argue is signature
to himself and this style is something that resonates with me at a ridiculous
magnitude. I perceive the style to be a combination of graphic and illustrative
techniques which begin with sketches then graphic element constructs in Adobe
Illustrator before been transferred over to Photoshop to have textures applied
creating his master pieces.
reason I feel that I resonate with his illustrations is due to the effective manner
that James adds detailing into his illustration adding depth, appeal, and charm
into his work. For example, he combines several geometric elements into a scene
where in reality there are none, with textured effects, brushes, and large
expansive lighting effects to portray a uniquely gorgeous expression that you
can't help but fall prey too. He contrasts detail with simplicity in form to
dominate the perception that the viewer has to it with absolute victory
captivating and inspiring his audience. I am very keen to experiment and study
from James illustrations to grow and learn from techniques and design outcomes
that I admire greatly.
Animation background for a project he had contributed too
Visual development for a tunnel construction advertisment
Eyvind Earle (Also fav)
Eyvind was an artist, author and Illustrator who grew a massive following for his breath-taking illustrations that he created for Disney over the years of his life. I personally resonate with his work due to the unique impression that his style portrays to his audience. He captures all the essence and detailing that is present in reality and twists it, adds to it and mixes in new colours and shape forms to create works of pure fantasy that have an appeal that captures you gaze lost in immersion.
The process that he used when creating his backgrounds was to paint them with acrylics, oil, and watercolours to produce organic, textured and reminiscent artwork that does justice to reality in some regards and transcends it in others. I believe the greatest potential in his work is how he portrays atmosphere through visual alone. Each scene weather a closeup or wide pan expresses a level of intimacy with the viewer that is hard to achieve the way that he did. Like others I am interested in studying the magnificence that Eyvind manages to capture in his work in an attempt for personal growth.
Painted animation background for Disneys Sleeping Beauty
Painted animation background for Disneys Sleeping Beauty
Painted animation background for Disneys Sleeping Beauty
Jasmine Lai (Okay they all my fav i have alot of passion)
Jasmine identifies
herself as a visual content creator for multimedia communication businesses
such as advertising and entertainment. Primarily working as an illustrator for
most of her projects Jasmine also has worked hard to be the art director on
multiple projects from lead background designer on Cartoon Networks Steven
Universe to her current position as art director at the animation studio
reason that I resonate with Jasmines environment illustrations so deeply is due
to the way in which she captures life in such a unique, intimate, and stylised format.
There is a level of sincerity in here work that conveys such a gentle
impression that is calming in nature. This nature takes the viewer into its
experience and shows them reality’s beauty in all the right ways. The charm
that Jasmine brings to her work through her technique and process is something
I am very keen to experiment and apply to my own animation backgrounds.
Depiction of a route towards home
Illustration depiction of Downtown Los Angeles
Personal environment Illustration
Brian Edward Miller (Cannot get enough of these guys!)
Brian is the spiritual product of a family filled with talent and passion, son to both a photographer and to a painter, grandson to 2 very talented wood carvers and father to an inspirational and loving family Brain is an illustrator who brings his family to the heart of his passions when creating engaging, appealing and phenomenal environment illustrations. I personally resonate with Brains work so highly due to the grainy/textured brushes that he informs his work with heightening the impact that his high standard compositional pieces portray.
Previously within my studies I have spent time studying and experimenting with the textured effects that he utilises by making use of a custom brush set I created because of a study I did on him. Needless to say, that his illustrations have had a massive impact on the development of my own concepts and ideas in response to the appeal I find in his illustration work. I am keen to continue to study and develop artwork in response to Brains making sure to always analysis and deconstruct his processes to invoke personal growth.
Promotional Illustration comissioned by 'Every mountain'
The Umbrella Factory animation background
Narrative based illustration commisioned by 'Opera'
I cannot say with confidence that creating environments and animation backgrounds is something thatt I will move away from any time soon. In response to this fact I highly doubt that these talented artists will ever cease to be the inspiration that they are too me, I will continue to use them as reference, material for study, and as inspiration as I continue my creative journey towards directing my own animated film. I hope that by expressing these artists I have been able to express my thinking’s and ambitions clearly so that this relationship ends on a high note.
Thank you for reading! and I shall keep you all updated moving forward.
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