Monday, 23 October 2017

Sequential Images/Project Dev - Trip to the Hancock history musuem

Following the recent completion of my Principle of animation project I am beginning a new project for my animation and illustration foundation degree at Newcastle college. This new project is titled 'Sequential Images' and is designed to provoke and challenge my illustration skills to create a triptych set of illustrations that conveys a short scripted narrative.

This will challenge me to consider technique, approach, style, composition, colour, panel relationship, visual conveyance, other elements to device the most appropriate and impactful sequential I can to convey my designed narrative. As a starting point for this project my class and I have taken a field trip to the Hancock history museum in Newcastle Upon Tyne seeking visual stimulation and inspiration for the narrative we are to device.

Whilst at the history museum we are tasked with locating a minimum of 3 objects in history that we are challenged to script a 3-part story that will serve as the written blueprint for my triptych illustrations. The story must outline a journey of how that object came from one place and ended up in another. This can be how it ended up in the museum, but it doesn't have to be. 

During my visit to the museum I came across multiple artefacts depicting many cultures from Ice age nomads, to Ancient Egyptians, to Roman forts to African tribes, to even ancient china. All these cultures provided a wealth of inspiration and history can could inform the concepts of my work infinitely. After much exploration, note taking, and photography I identified four objects that I was keen to move forward with and script narratives for. These objects are:

 A copper alloy mirror     &   A stone carver fishing charm

Hunk of Amethyst         &     Clay charm necklace

The copper alloy mirror was found at the site of a Roman fort that was build amongst the other forts manning Hadrian’s wall. The stone carved fish charm was used to grant a hunter luck when journeying to gather food for their family in the Ice age. The chunk of amethyst was found in Corbridge in the 1800s by an unknown individual. And finally the clay charmed necklace was to be worn only by a specific kind of priest or royalty in ancient Egypt due to the nature of its representation witch a specific god. 

The next stage in my project is to consider, develop and script a story out for each of these items that I can use for the purposes of conveying narrative through sequential images. In the following posts I shall be giving you weekly updates via this blog demonstrating the process and inner thinking’s that I have and the ways in which I respond to stimulus and research throughout. 

Thank you for reading! 

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