In the industry and during education it can often be hard to find the time to self-reflect and aim my projects in a direction that is accurate regarding self-improvement and artistic growth. This is often due to been immersed in the creative process and creating engaging content for personal interest and that of a client. There is a time though where a line must be drawn, and an artist must be self-critical and decisive, this is where ‘S.M.A.R.T’ targets come in! ‘S.M.A.R.T’ Is an acronym that stands for ‘Small’, ‘Measurable’, ‘And’, ‘Realistic’, ‘Targets’. This translates into a weekly review of my current projects and goals for the purposes of artistic growth through accurate and appropriate target setting regarding my current goals and skillset into a concise action plan.
Context of previous weeks
Last week I intended to achieve three targets that I had outlined in reflection to the prior week of production. I had intended to address the completion of my Contextual Studies 2 and Composting modules by creating a SWOT analysis of each module in order to truly digest the project as a whole. This target has not been achieved and still needs to be addressed within this week to ensure that I do not get behind on my workload. A second target that I had outlined to be completed last week for my “Commercial Animation and Illustration Production” module was the exploration of my current skillset and required skillset for the career of my choice. I had created the goal of producing a blog post covering this target and I did not achieve this aim. This is another target that I will need to address in the following week. The final target that I set myself last week was the proposal and idea generation of my “Work Based Learning” module to lay the foundation for the next stage in my project's development. This target has been partially achieved and must be addressed and finalised in this week moving forward.
What’s Happening this week?
This week on Wednesday the 27th of March I am expected to pitch a power-point presentation summarizing my proposal and treatment within a visual speech format. This will take the form of a group critique allowing an open discussion around my planned production work enabling insight and refinement of my current defined ideas. It is intended that through this co-operative discussion that the myself and my peers will provide the opportunity to clarify my ideas and solidify any conceptions I have in mind ready for production.
What I need to reflect on
As outlined earlier within this blog post, I have completed most of my proposal and treatment which covers a time plan for my “work-based learning” module. This week in my time plan I have outlined that I need to finalise my idea generation to begin and finish the process of exploring shape, form, and narrative through thumbnail sketches, style frame creation, and storyboarding. Therefore, by the 31st of march I will need to have reached the stage of completion of these aspects of my production if I am to ensure the success of my project.
Due to there being a PowerPoint presentation critique been held on Wednesday to pitch my ideas I need to finalise my treatment plan and translate it visually into a completed presentation document to ensure the easy communication of my ideas. Therefore, the beginning of my week should be catching up on the targets I did not achieve last week.
Target 1 – Finish my proposal and treatment plan and translate the information into a PowerPoint presentation ready for critique on Wednesday the 27th.
It is of importance for the success of my work-based learning module that If I am to successfully meet the deadline of my project that I meet the soft deadlines that I set myself within my module guide, time plan, and through my s.m.a.r.t targets. Working to industry standards requires the maximum amount of time to be spent on the refinement of quality content meaning when a schedule is tight there is no room to fall behind and I need to address this to ensure the success of my project. I can deem this target as a success should I finalise my proposal and treatment document alongside my PowerPoint presentation by Wednesday the 27th.
Target 2 – Finish the exploration of my visual development for my “Work based learning” module through the realisation of Style frames and a complete storyboard.
When working to industry standards within a pipeline process there is a degree of weight held on completing aspects of production within soft deadlines due to the fact that later stages of production are dependent on assets and information produced earlier in the pipeline. If I am to begin the chance to achieve the successful nomination of an award when submitting to the Adobe Achievement Design Awards then I need to fulfil the creation of developmental stages as early as possible to enable maximum refinement to be allowed at later stages within the process such as the animation process. Therefore, to ensure this project’s maximum potential in success by the 31st of March on Sunday I need a selection of style frames and a completed storyboard to be complete. I will measure the success of this target by the amount of work to hand by Monday the 1st of April in next week's S.M.A.R.T target.
Target 3 – Catch up on previous SWOT analysis on my blog as well as completing a SWOT analysis of the work I complete during this week.
Growth cannot be attained should I not appropriately reflect on what has been and is being demonstrated through my work regarding my current and aspiring skillset. If I do not identify my strengths and weaknesses regularly then I will have no foundation to build from when aspiring to achieve an industry quality of work. There are several aspects of my work that I have completed recently that I have not dedicated my time to reflecting on, it would be detrimental to my growth should I not address these in full therefore the last target I am setting myself this week is the creation of 3 SWOT analysis which will be posted on my blog highlighting my reflective growth cycle. I will deem this target as being a success should I post three separate SWOT analysis onto my blog by the 1st of April.
Last week had a plethora of challenges that slowed down my production process across my three projects, to ensure that I do not get behind and that I continue to strive for the level of quality that I intend to embody within my practice I intend to double down on catching up with previous targets whilst maintaining a steady level of production on the execution of my current modules. In response to my outlined goals, this week I will be finalising the scripting of my proposal and treatment as well as the generation of a PowerPoint presentation which will be pitched in a group critique on Wednesday the 27th. I will also be completing drawn exercises exploring shape, style, form, composition, and narrative for my “Work Based Learning” module through the creation and completion of thumbnail sketches, style frames, and a completed storyboard. Finally, I will be addressing my short comings from the previous week of my study's by scripting and submitting three SWOT analysis to my blog covering my “Composting”, “Contextual Studies 2” modules and assessing my current weeks work and skillset by the 1st of April. This week's success will be addressed in my following s.m.a.r.t targets blog post.
Thank you for reading.
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