Thursday, 15 February 2018

Indigo Irwin - Vector Linework

Following on from my previous pencil sketched process I outlined that I would be importing my pencil drawings into the vector-based software 'Adobe Illustrator' where I would create refined linework for each of the character poses that I had drawn. This blog post is designed to showcase and highlight the visual development that I have completed since my last project update by showcasing the final vector image renders for my refined linework design outcomes. The following Images are the completion of this stages process.

Refined Vector Linework Image render depicting the characters front pose.

 Refined Vector Linework Image render depicting the characters side pose.

 Refined Vector Linework Image render of the characters 3/4 angled pose.

Refined Vector Linework Image render depicting the characters playful action pose.

 Refined Vector Linework Image render depicting the characters working action pose.

As clearly shown above it was my intention during the digital linework creation process to enhance the characters design by ensuring that there is a range of linework variation balance within the design. This was intended to make use of the simple vs complex ratio variation that enables the clever manipulation of the viewers brain to convey an intention that is perceived as appealing and engaging. I am confident that the design outcome of this process is to a technical high standard due to the commitment that input into this stage of the design process.
 The full character pose line up portraying the finalsied refined vector images.
As shown above the final line-up of poses clearly demonstrates the strong beginnings of my character model sheet. The next stage in my character development process is to experiment and apply a colour scheme to my final vector renders to flesh out the personality of Indigo further continuing to refine the characters design. The next blog post will cover the process I utilise to realise the design outcome of my colour exploration process.

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